February 11th: The Learning of the Lesson
If the lesson of doing the will of God from
day to day is such an all-important one, we must
inquire diligently into the conditions necessary for
learning it. Can it be quickly learned? The answer
to this question is found in the fact that our
Lord devoted thirty out of His three and thirty
years on earth to the learning of it; and this
though He was absolutely perfect in it from the
very first. This was to teach us that the lesson
can only be learned after long years of constant
endeavor; nay, there are few indeed who learn it
as they ought, even in a lifetime. What are the means of learning it? Like all other practical lessons it can only be learned by practice. It is only by making the law of our lives the will of God, however manifested to us, that it can become the real principle animating them. Too often, alas, the law of our action is our own will and our own inclination. We act on impulse: we do just what we naturally desire without any other thought. As long as this is so there is no place left for the will of God. We must not expect the process to be at first a pleasant one. It is no agreeable task at the beginning to sacrifice our own wills. It is a painful process. But as time goes on it loses all its painfulness, and becomes attractive, and at length the act of obliterating self to substitute God in its place is a real delight. This it was to the Saints; this in the end I hope it may be to me.
Music: The Shepherds' Farewell
from L' Enfance du Christ Op. 25 by Hector Berlioz
1. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
The humble crib, the stable bare. Babe, all mortal babes excelling, Content our earthly lot to share. Loving father, Loving mother, Shelter Thee with tender care! 2. Blessed Jesus, we implore Thee With humble love and holy fear. In the land that lies before Thee, Forget not us who linger here! May the shepherd's lowly calling, Ever to Thy heart be dear! 3. Blest are ye beyond all measure, Thou happy father, mother mild! Guard ye well your heav'nly treasure, The Prince of Peace, The Holy Child! God go with you, God protect you, Guide you safely through the wild! |